Tom Nook the Capitalist Raccoon

Table of Contents

Is there anyone willing to by me a NS?


Buy the flag for 420000 bells


Maybe well-educated guess?

After some interactions, we can see there’s some glitches in selling things —— I sold position 2 twice. So, I bought tarantula and repeatedly sell it in order to get 420000 bells.

 ✘ nemo@marshmallow-laptop  /mnt/c/Users/nemo  nc 4400
Timmy: Welcome!
How can I help you today?
1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy axe - chop chop chop Price: 800 bells
2. olive flounder - it's looking at me funny Price: 800 bells
3. slingshot - the closest thing you can get to a gun Price: 900 bells
4. flimsy shovel - for digging yourself out of debt Price: 800 bells

Timmy: A olive flounder!
Sure! How about if I offer you
800 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy axe - chop chop chop Price: 800 bells
2. olive flounder - it's looking at me funny Price: 800 bells
3. slingshot - the closest thing you can get to a gun Price: 900 bells
4. flimsy shovel - for digging yourself out of debt Price: 800 bells

Timmy: A olive flounder!
Sure! How about if I offer you
800 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy axe - chop chop chop Price: 800 bells
3. slingshot - the closest thing you can get to a gun Price: 900 bells
4. flimsy shovel - for digging yourself out of debt Price: 800 bells

Timmy: A flimsy axe!
Sure! How about if I offer you
800 Bells?
Thank you! Ple1ase come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.

Of course! What exactly are you
3. slingshot - the closest thing you can get to a gun Price: 900 bells
4. flimsy shovel - for digging yourself out of debt Price: 800 bells

Timmy: A slingshot!
Sure! How about if I offer you
900 Bells?
Thank you!1 Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.

Of course! What exactly are you
4. flimsy shovel - for digging yourself out of debt Price: 800 bells

Timmy: A flimsy shovel!
Sure! How about if I offer you
800 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 2

12600 bells
Timmy: Here's what we have to sell today.
              1. flimsy net - 400 bells
2. tarantula - 8000 bells
3. slingshot - 900 bells
4. sapling - 640 bells
5. cherry - 400 bells
6. flag - 420000 bells

Timmy: Excellent purchase!
Yes, thank you for the bells
1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 2

12200 bells
Timmy: Here's what we have to sell today.
    1. flimsy net - 400 bells
2. tarantula - 8000 bells
3. slingshot - 900 bells
4. sapling - 640 bells
5. cherry - 400 bells
6. flag - 420000 bells

Timmy: Excellent purchase!
Yes, thank you for the bells
1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 2

11800 bells
Timmy: Here's what we have to sell today.
 1. flimsy net - 400 bells
2. tarantula - 8000 bells
3. slingshot - 900 bells
4. sapling - 640 bells
5. cherry - 400 bells
6. flag - 420000 bells

Timmy: Excellent purchase!
Yes, thank you for the bells
1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 2

11400 bells
Timmy: Here's what we have to sell today.
              1. flimsy net - 400 bells
2. tarantula - 8000 bells
3. slingshot - 900 bells
4. sapling - 640 bells
5. cherry - 400 bells
6. flag - 420000 bells

Timmy: Excellent purchase!
Yes, thank you for the bells
1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 2

11000 bells
Timmy: Here's what we have to sell today.
      1        1. flimsy net - 400 bells
2. tarantula - 8000 bells
3. slingshot - 900 bells
4. sapling - 640 bells
5. cherry - 400 bells
6. flag - 420000 bells

Timmy: Excellent purchase!
Yes, thank you for the bells
1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 2

10600 bells
Timmy: Here's what we have to sell today.
            1  1. flimsy net - 400 bells
2. tarantula - 8000 bells
3. slingshot - 900 bells
4. sapling - 640 bells
5. cherry - 400 bells
6. flag - 420000 bells

Timmy: Excellent purchase!
Ye1s, thank you for the bells
1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 2

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells

Invalid Choice
1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 2

10200 bells
Timmy: Here's what we have to sell today.
              1. flimsy net - 400 bells
2. tarantula - 8000 bells
3. slingshot - 900 bells
4. sapling - 640 bells
5. cherry - 400 bells
6. flag - 420000 bells

Timmy: Excellent purchase!
Yes, thank you for the bells
1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 2

9800 bells
Timmy: Here's what we have to sell today.
              1. flimsy net - 400 bells
2. tarantula - 8000 bells
3. slingshot - 900 bells
4. sapling - 640 bells
5. cherry - 400 bells
6. flag - 420000 bells

Timmy: Excellent purchase!
Yes, thank you for the bells
1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 2

9400 bells
Timmy: Here's what we have to sell today.
              1. flimsy net - 400 bells
2. tarantula - 8000 bells
3. slingshot - 900 bells
4. sapling - 640 bells
5. cherry - 400 bells
6. flag - 420000 bells

Timmy: Excellent purchase!
Yes, thank you for the bells
1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 2

9000 bells
Timmy: Here's what we have to sell today.
              1. flimsy net - 400 bells
2. tarantula - 8000 bells
3. slingshot - 900 bells
4. sapling - 640 bells
5. cherry - 400 bells
6. flag - 420000 bells

Timmy: Excellent purchase!
Yes, thank you for the bells
1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly 2are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Invalid Choice
1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you1! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 11

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells


Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 2

273000 bells
Timmy: Here's what we have to sell today.
              1. flimsy net - 400 bells
2. tarantula - 8000 bells
3. slingshot - 900 bells
4. sapling - 640 bells
5. cherry - 400 bells
6. flag - 420000 bells

Timmy: Excellent purchase!
Yes, thank you for the bells
1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

11. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 2

376600 bells
Timmy: Here's what we have to sell today.
              1. flimsy net - 400 bells
2. tarantula - 8000 bells
3. slingshot - 900 bells
4. sapling - 640 bells
5. cherry - 400 bells
6. flag - 420000 bells

Timmy: Excellent purchase!
Yes, thank you for the bells
1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come a1gain!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells

Timmy: A tarantula!
Sure! How about if I offer you
8000 Bells?
Thank you! Please come again!

1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 2

424200 bells
Timmy: Here's what we have to sell today.
              1. flimsy net - 400 bells
2. tarantula - 8000 bells
3. slingshot - 900 bells
4. sapling - 640 bells
5. cherry - 400 bells
6. flag - 420000 bells

Timmy: Excellent purchase!
Yes, thank you for the bells
1. I want to sell
2. What's for sale?
3. See you later.
Choice: 1

Of course! What exactly are you
1. flimsy net - a great way to catch bugs! Price: 400 bells
2. tarantula - I hate spiders! Price: 8000 bells
3. flag - DawgCTF{1nf1n1t3_t@rantul@$} Price: 420000 bells
Nemo Xiong avatar
Nemo Xiong
ex-Cybersecurity Executor, now a student in Unimelb
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